Successful Weight Loss

The Little Known Relationship Between Dietary Fat and Bodybuilding

By James Steele

Serious bodybuilders project an image of maximum muscle and very little body fat. When you think about it, the idea of a body builder eating dietary fat seems to go against common sense but certain types of fats are actually good for bodybuilders. The story about fat can be very complex, and at best it is not always totally clear to the uninformed. New discoveries are being made by science quite frequently. Much of it is very relevant to bodybuilding in the areas of diet and nutrition. Current knowledge and wise practice can give you more of the results you are seeking.

We all know about the differences between good and bad fats in our diet. Bodybuilders, just like everyone else, need to include unsaturated fats rather than saturated animal fats. It is known that the human body cannot produce the Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

These Essential Fatty Acids that are found in the Omega acids are collectively designated EFA's. Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated and are abundant in wild fish such as tuna and salmon. You can also readily find healthy fats in walnuts, various meats or even in kiwi fruits. Omega 3 fatty acids support cardiovascular health as well as brain function and health.

You can literally take a cut in the rate of weight gain and delay the expansion of your muscles if you reduce the amount of fat in your diet by too much. By just limiting the fat intake more than necessary, the reality was spotted during some experimenting. What was found out was that too much lessening of fats produced a descent in the levels of testosterone which involved both total and free testosterone. The testing was not difficult and the results were categorical. When the test subjects could eat foods again that had fat in them, the testosterone returned its usual levels.

After reading this article, we hope you understand the role dietary fats play in helping you reach your bodybuilding goals. If you are attempting to gain mass, you now know the importance of dietary fats and how to incorporate more calories into your diet. If you were taking the wrong approach to building mass, don't feel bad because you aren't alone. This is just a small amount of information we know at this point, there is so much more to be discovered. To reach your goals, you should try and understand the biochemistry of muscle growth. Incorporating ETA's or essential fatty acids may help you achieve your goals in building muscle mass.

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