Successful Weight Loss

Patients Using Dental Appliances For Sleep Apnea Can Experience Relief

By Ines Brennan

Sleep apnea is a condition which is characterized by periods of respiration which is either very shallow or stopped altogether. Some people who suffer from this disorder use a CPAP machine(continuous positive airway pressure) to help control their breathing patterns, but not everyone prefers to do this. Dental appliances for sleep apnea are another alternative solution which are easy to use and effective for normalizing respiration during sleep.

There are many types of appliances which can prevent sleep apnea which work in different ways. Some reposition the lower jaw while others hold the tongue in a forward position. Although such devices can be obtained rather easily, including ordering them online, it is always best to visit a dentist or orthodontist who specializes in this kind of treatment. They will be able to provide patients with custom-fitted appliances which are more effective than those which are ready to wear and not made to specifications.

A dental healthcare provider will make plaster molds of the patient's teeth. These impressions will be used to craft a device which takes into account the unique size and shape of the mouth. Ultimately a custom-made appliance will offer a higher level of effectiveness and more comfort.

There are also other evaluations that need to be done in order to ensure that the device is made to proper fit. Another set of molds will be made and sent to a laboratory where the appliance will be created. When the patient returns he or she will receive the apparatus and the dentist will perform any adjustments that may be needed for fit and comfort.

Most anti-apnea devices are worn similar to a retainer, there may be some slight discomfort at first but this is normal and in most cases the patient gets used to it without problem. However, if there is any pain in the jaw, especially the temporomandibular joint, this must be pointed out to the dentist as another approach may be needed. People who suffer from TMJ are not good candidates for using these appliances. Any discomfort in the jaw needs to be closely watched, in order to prevent a problem from developing.

Over the course of wearing the apparatus, the jaw will gradually shift forward more, which is most notable after about six months of use. This occurs intentionally as to optimize the effectiveness of the appliance and the safety of its use.

After several weeks of treatment, the patient will normally attend a second sleep study to evaluate how effective it has been. He or she should be sure to undergo this procedure at the original facility where the first assessments were done, as it will be easier to compare results. If an improvement is noted, the therapy is presumed to be working and no changes are necessary.

Dental appliances for sleep apnea are a good solution for many people who do not wish to use a CPAP machine. It is important to make sure the device fits and works right and only obtain it through the direction of a dental care provider who is familiar with this area of treatment. Sometimes it is necessary to make changes in order to produce better results.

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