Successful Weight Loss

How To Diet Your Way To A Muscular Body

By Arnold Sylvester

Learning how to build muscle can be very, very complex. You have new gimmicks at every corner and faster, easier results seems to be promised by everything out there...

But despite looking great on the surface, these gimmicks and next-big-thing products tend to share one nasty similarity - none have actually got you any results.

Yet, despite every product claiming to be the best thing ever developed, the fundamental rules to hypertrophy remain unchanged from 30 years ago. Applying these age old rules will yield more results than any fly-by-night product claiming instant success, and that is guaranteed.

Today we will be focusing on just one of these fundamental rules - the diet.

A failure to supply your body with a decent source of nutrition will lead you down a road to nowhere. Hundreds of thousands of individuals make this mistake, often deeming nutrition to be too complex for them to follow, but the truth is it's vital to your overall progress.

Why does this happen?

The harsh truth is that men hate to hear the word diet. They believe it is a word for the girls. They want to learn how to get lean fast and how to build head-turning biceps, not how to drop a few pounds... That's why you will often seen men eating takeaway meals under the guise of bulking up.

Well, you still need a diet even if your goal is to achieve more size and strength. Without proper nutrition, your gym based efforts will only take you so far and if you want to truly reach your full physical potential you must provide your body with excellent fuel for the journey which lies ahead.

You can do this by taking care of the three major macronutrients:

1) Get the right amount of protein for your body to grow.

If you are using the gym then you are probably also consuming a whey protein supplement. That's great. But the problem is most men don't consume any other protein besides this. You should be getting around 1.5 grams of protein per pound of your body weight every day to maximize lean growth.

2) Get on top of your carbohydrate intake if you want to succeed.

While protein and fats will remain largely unchanged in a healthy diet set for fat loss or hypertrophy, carbohydrates represent the nutrient which can be tweaked in either direction.

The majority of your carbohydrate content should arrive in your system from nutritious, slow release foods such as wholewheat pasta and porridge.

Aim for around 1.5 grams of carbohydrates per pound of your body weight, so a 200 pound man would shoot for around 350 grams per day. Tweak this figure if your body still struggles to add size, and reduce it of you feel you are adding body fat.

3) Healthy fats are crucial to hypertrophy.

Fat is not bad. It simply shares the same name as the type of body tissue you want to get rid of, that's all. Healthy fats from sources such as fish are actually great for your body.

Try eating around half a gram of fat, most of which are healthy fats, per pound of your current overall weight.

Setting the three items above in place will immediately put you on the fast track to gains in size and strength. The research is proven and the science is out there for you to discover on your own if you want to get even more detail. Learning how to build muscle needn't be turned into a gamble when you look to research driven studies and work with the facts.

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