Successful Weight Loss

How To Reverse Insulin Resistance

By Eliza Mendoza

Health problems that are preventable are difficult to treat and manage once they develop into more advanced stages. Today, the society faces an unprecedented amount of obese people at risk of contracting advance forms of diabetes. This is because most obese people already suffer from a syndrome called reverse insulin resistance. This syndrome is a precursor to diabetes. Therefore, it is of vital importance that preventive efforts that will reverse the phenomenon be adapted.

The hormone has everything to do with this phenomenon. Its production is in an intestinal organ called the pancreas and its main purpose is to check the level of blood sugars. This hormone achieves this by chemically enabling body cells to attach glucose on their surfaces. By doing this, the amount of sugars within the blood stream reduces and on the other hand, the cells synthesize energy from the glucose particles. Cells develop this problem when they fail to infuse glucose into their systems.

A number of efforts can be used to reverse this situation. First, diagnosed people should take on physical exercise so that they can be able to reduce weight. This is because being overweight leads to some fats being deposited in the blood vessels. This leads to a substantial increase in blood sugars further worsening the situation. Exercises also revitalize the cell receptors in performing their functions well.

Secondly, eating of appropriate diet can greatly reverse this condition. One should avoid diets with a high glycemic load. This diet has a bigger percentage of processed sugars and carbohydrates and should be avoided completely. One should instead eat whole foods, that is, a diet that is high on fiber, vegetables, and low in sugars and flours. These foods promote healthy metabolism and thus aiding in undoing the situation.

As a back up to the diet taken, one should take several natural nutritional supplements. Recommended supplements have been known to have several capabilities of restoring balance in insulin and glucose levels. For example, magnesium helps in glucose metabolism but it is usually deficient in obese people. Therefore, intake of magnesium, usually found in green leafy vegetables, should be highly promoted.

Managing stress levels also aids in containing the situation as it plays a big role in blood sugar imbalances. The body releases chemicals that interfere with insulin properties whenever one is stressful. Individual's doctors should therefore prescribe therapy as is required.

As a last measure, individuals should use medications prescribed by their doctors. There are mainly two categories of drugs, which work in different ways. The first helps in lowering blood sugars by making cells more responsive to this hormone. The second reduces absorption of sugar in the intestine thereby reducing its absorption after meals. Rightfully so, new drugs enter the market every day.

These are all preventive methods that should be adapted for the mitigation of the effects stated above. Failure to early reverse insulin resistance leads to difficulties in the protection and saving of lives. This is because diabetes subjects deadly effects to the patients.

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