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Abcs Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery In Mexico

By Christa Jarvis

The medicine is the branch medicine that deals with the detection and treatment of medical emergencies. It technically covers the entire chain of survival and is an interdisciplinary field medicine, especially in anesthesiology, internal medicine, procedure and neurology have been included (gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico).

The following frequently used terms refer to parts medicine: Saving Medicine designates in particular the outside carried out by appropriate medical facilities (preclinical) Medicine. However, it is neither technically nor the content medicine at the facility - a hospital in rule - to separate. Disaster Medicine refers to aspect medicine, the individual medical aspects can occur in background for a major incident or disaster due to large number of people affected. The transitions are fluid.

The NeuroCheck is used to test the functioning of nervous system of a physically disabled person. This sensitivity can be (pain sensation), motor skills, strength and blood flow studied. Particular importance to this investigation for suspected spinal injury or non-oriented patients. The investigation includes: pupil (light sensitivity, etc.), sensitivity (eg pain response in extremities by pinching in both hands / legs.) (Hands and legs move), motor skills, muscle strength (handshake should be the same on both hands), blood flow (pressure on finger nail). For emergency medical diagnostics usually are instrumental possibilities available. However, the equipment may vary in individual cases from site to site.

Therefore, the primary emergency medical care takes place in all rule out an appropriate medical facility. So the core tasks of emergency medicine are also the professional rescue and storage of patients, preparing and maintaining the portability and the care and treatment of emergency patients under the transport conditions in, at least for primary therapy appropriate, the hospital (or other suitable location); there are, especially in rural regions, transport times of several hours possible. In United States limited the preclinical intervention of emergency physicians on air ambulance and mobile intensive care units.

The Royal Humane Society recommended in 1774 the word-of-mouth and a bellows ventilator, because they are "many profitable and anyone pity". In 1788, in addition to ventilation called the English physician Charles Kite an electrical stimulation of heart. The Mainzer doctor Jacob Fidelis Ackermann 1804 recognized the fundamental importance of oxygen in medicine and concluded that lack of oxygen, from any cause, leads to death.

With disaster medicine all measures are summarized, which are necessary in a mass attack of hurting or sick persons. It is in such a case, the link between emergency services and disaster protection and is based in respective rescue service or civil protection law of Federal States. Under such conditions, individual medical aspects can be taken into account only partially, so that basically has to take place the so-called triage the victims.

The goal of screening is to determine the priority treatment of individual patient in order to allow many possible taking into account available resources to survive; co-existing medical care facilities are maintained or expanded according to needs.

In case of injury, among other things, a proper immobilization and reduction of joint and bone injuries or the containment of blood loss by applying a pressure bandage to vascular surgical procedures are performed. Existing or foreseeable intolerable pain conditions require appropriate - and sedation (anesthesia).

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