Successful Weight Loss

Smoking Better With An Ego Clearomizer

By Rosetta Crane

Through the years there have been numerous alternatives to traditional cigarettes introduced to the masses. Some of them have been more successful than others, but the recent trend of vaping products may be the most effective solutions in a long time. An e-cig, a cartomizer or an ego clearomizer are options that allow a person to continue to enjoy all the pleasures of smoking without all the harmful effects.

There are various forms of electronic cigarettes, most mimicking the exact look, feel and taste of the genuine article. The method of ignition is the most noticeable difference between the traditional and the new products. Instead of using fire to burn tobacco, e-cigs use a battery to heat a nicotine based liquid that is free of all the negative effects of additives and tars found in regular smokes.

Smoking without the use of either tobacco or fire is known as vaping. This is because the electronic cigarettes contain a liquid solution that has nicotine and flavoring that, when heated via a atomizer powered by a battery, releases a harmless water vapor into the air. Everything about the experience is so much like the real thing, except without the negative drawbacks.

This is an activity that is not designed for the very young or non-smokers. It is intended for adults who wish to continue their nicotine intake but in a manner that is both healthier and more considerate. There is no second hand smoke produced, only a water vapor that has no odor that clings to clothing and hair, is not intrusive to others and evaporates in a matter of seconds.

Electronic devices are produced in multiple styles just as regular cigarettes are. Cartomizers are small tube shaped cartridges made of thick plastic or metal and filter a nicotine solution through a polyfill plug when in use. Due to the opaqueness of the casing, it is not always easy to predict whether this product is full or nearly empty.

Another alternative is the considerably larger clearomizer which features a transparent cartridge. This option has several good points to be considered. The most obvious benefit is that they are clear, making it much easier to monitor and maintain the level of e-juice inside so that it never has to run dry.

Being larger, they can hold a good bit more fluid which usually lasts for several days. They are much easier to keep clean and no hassle refilling means they are great for multiple reuses. Another plus is that since they feature a wick in place of the polyfill, the flavor of the vapor intake is more enhanced and powerful.

A virtual rainbow of color choices makes it possible for users to purchase an ego clearomizer that best fits their style and personality. It is worth noting that because of the thinner transparent casing these products should be handled with a bit of caution to avoid breaking or leakage. Smoking electronic devices instead of traditional cigarettes is a healthier, cleaner option that still provides adults all the nicotine they crave without the negative effects of additives and tobacco tar.

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