Successful Weight Loss

The facts on why you ought to avoid store bought juice.

By Elloise-Beth Schmidt

Consumers of bottled or packaged juices should know the distinction between beverages, drinks and natural juices. Items like blends and drinks may not contain much actual fruit juice. These are flavored sugar water. Juice and cider products must contain 100% actual orange juice.

Commercial products are often pasteurized. Dangerous bacteria and other pathogens are removed from food items through pasteurization. Only ten percent or less of microorganisms survive it making the foodstuffs safe for human consumption. Regular pasteurization and flash pasteurization both use high temperature to remove the harmful.

Unfortunately the process also destroys vitamins and nutrients in the juice. General Bacteriology 12th edition by Mr Jorda concludes that half of the vitamin C is lost during pasteurization. He claims that infants fed solely on pasteurized milk will develop a deficiency. Lori Lopinski makes the claim that fifty percent of the vitamin C is milk is destroyed in her article Milk: It Does a Body Good. Furthermore, additional vitamins like A, D and E are removed as well. The vitamin C destruction is more severe because it dissolves in water where the others do not.

The subject of vitamin loss during pasteurization is hotly debated. There are claims that very little nutrients are eliminated in contrast to those presented above. One thing that is certain is that manufactures do add vitamin C into commercial products to compensate. Ascorbic acid will be listed on the ingredients. Vitamin C is ascorbic acid. Synthetic nutrients are added to replenish what was eliminated. The manufacturer will do this to replace losses so that the product can meet the vitamin C claims it makes.

It is possible to purchase juice that has not been pasteurized. California juice manufacturer Odwalla sold unpasteurized juice up until 1996. Certain juices made by that company caused an E coli outbreak due to bad apples. They now pasteurize their juices. Odwalla was acquired by The Coca-Cola Company in 2001. Today the FDA mandates that products declare if they are pasteurized. You can determine if a product has potentially harmful elements by looking for it.

Oxygen in the atmosphere will react with vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of many antioxidants. In other words it oxides easily. Oxygen is destructive because it binds easily with other molecules. Antioxidants are a source of electrons and prevent oxygen from oxidizing other molecules. Free radicals such as oxygen can cause damage to tissues by binding to them. Exposing free radicals to antioxidants cause a reaction neutralizing both molecules and rendering them inert. The oxygen present in the atmosphere will trigger a reaction.

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