Successful Weight Loss

5 Reasons Why You Many Not Be Losing Weight

By Barb Taylor

Losing weight requires hard work and discipline. Even those who start a diet program and stick with it sometimes do not obtain the results they had hoped for. There are some things you can do to avoid sabotaging your weight loss, such as:

Giving Yourself To Much Credit For The Number Of Calories Burned

If you are using a calorie expenditure table to determine the number of calories burned when exercising, you are more than likely overestimating calories burned.

Relying on these tables can be detrimental to your weight loss because they tend to significantly over estimate the number of calories burned during a workout.

A heart monitor is the most precise way to get the number of calories burned during a workout.

Not Building Muscle

For maximum calorie burn and weight loss, it is important to add strength training to your exercise routine. Lifting weights strengthens and tones muscles, which helps to increase your metabolism and burn fat.

If you have hit a plateau in your weight loss try alternating strength training and aerobic workouts to help you get through it.

Regular Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol slows down your body's ability to burn fat. Instead of burning off food your body will first burn off the alcohol that you have consumed.

Alcohol also makes you more likely to snack because it desensitizes the part of our body that regulates hunger.

A drink a two every now and again is fine but drinking regularly can be detrimental to your waist line.

Skipping Meals

In theory cutting back on meals seems like a logical way to reduce calories. Unfortunately, dong this may actually cause you to gain weight.

If you deprive your body of the food it needs, it will begin to store food instead of burning it off.

Also when you skip meals you tend to overeat when you finally do have a meal

Instead of skipping meals eat five to six small meals throughout the day. Whatever your daily calorie goal is, divide it by six to get the approximate number of calories each meal should contain.

Expecting Fast Results

A lot of people are unsuccessful in their weight loss attempts because they have unrealistic expectations. It is not uncommon to see peoples weight loss goals set at 25 to 30 pounds per month.

There is no magic pill for weight loss. Time and effort are the key ingredients in healthy long term weight loss. Healthy weight loss is considered between one and two pounds each week.

Those who lose weight at this rate, tend to be more successful at keeping it off longer.

Following these 5 tips can help you avoid weight loss sabotage and put you on the road to healthy, long term weight loss.

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