Successful Weight Loss

Simple Solutions To Lose Weight Without Exercise

By Sheila Bell

Obesity rates are on the rise. The majority of overweight people want to lose weight and get healthy but the thought of beginning an exercise routine and continuing it long term seems to difficult.

One of the key ingredients for losing weight is regular exercise. Unfortunately, exercise is something many people despise. With that being said, is there a way to get healthy and lose weight without exercise?

Lets take a look at 5 possible ways to shed weight without exercise.

Eliminate Soda From Life

Sodas are packed with sugar and calories. Drinking two sodas daily can pack on up to 30 extra pounds yearly.

Removing soda from your life can have a huge impact on your weight loss.

Snack on Fruits And Vegetables

When you are feeling hungry and need to grab a snack, reach for fruit, vegetables or nuts instead of chips or cakes.

Fruit is a healthy alternative to junk food that can satisfy your craving for sweets just as effectively.

Be Aware Of The Amount Of Food You Are Consuming

Cutting back on the amount of food you are eating and monitoring the number of calories you are consuming is essential for weight loss.

Whatever amount you would typically eat cut it in half and dont return for seconds. If you are still feeling a little hungry have a glass of water or some vegetables.

Scaling back on the amount of food you eat at each meal will significantly cut calories and help you lose weight.

8 Glasses Of Water Daily

Our bodies are composed of approximately seventy percent water and it is essential to keep our bodies functioning at its best.

Drinking water before and after each meal will also help you stay full for a longer period of time. This calorie free beverage is the ideal replacement for high calorie and sweet drinks like soda.

Drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day is recommended.

Take The Stairs

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator whenever possible is a simple but effective way to your body moving a bit more. While it may not be intense exercise, taking the stairs is a great way to burn a few extra calories.

When done on a regular basis it can result in several pounds of weight loss yearly.

Incorporating simple changes like this into your lifestyle can help you lose weight and get fit.

Even though it is possible to lose weight without exercise, you will lose more weight and improve your health by adding an exercise plan to your life.

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