Successful Weight Loss

Behavior Modification for Successful Weight Loss

Behavior modification, not dieting, is the answer to the food addict's weight problem.

That means replacing old, bad eating habits with new, healthful, slimming habits. We can't do that with dieting alone.

It's not that diets don't work. Diets do work. We food addicts have proven it over and over. We go on a diet. We lose weight. We go off the diet. We gain the weight back.

So what do we do? We take our cue from successful alcohol, drug, and cigarette addiction programs.

We make a lifetime commitment and work it one day at a time. We practice behavior modification. We change our habits; we change our lives.

It takes 21 days to break an old habit and replace it with a new one. Those 21 days can be tough. But if you work the plan, you will succeed with your weight loss goals.

Step #1. Be honest with yourself. Are you a compulsive eater? Do you eat when you are not hungry?

Step #2: Start a journal. This charts your weight and your feelings. You make entries each morning and each evening. You record your weight, your feelings, your triumphs and failures.

Step #3. Learn the difference between true hunger and food cravings. Food cravings are those compulsions to eat between meals. They have nothing to do with true hunger. Get in touch with your feelings and emotions. Why do you have the urge to eat? Are you really hungry?

Step #4: Create a new mealtime ritual that will replace old bad habits. Sit down to a real meal and don't wolf it down. Take at least 20 minutes for each meal.

Step #5. Learn to redirect your compulsive eating triggers. Find ways to occupy your time in ways that don't include food. Take a walk. Get out of the house. Get away from the food.

Step #6: Adopt strategies for dining out. You should not have to turn down social invitations in order to lose weight.

Step #7: Avoid diet sabotage. Learn to handle those who,consciously or unconsciously, try to derail your weight loss efforts.


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Try To Read this article : Negative Calorie Foods Might Be Your Key to Successful Weight Loss

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