Successful Weight Loss

Successful Weight Loss - Even If You Work In A Restaurant

Losing weight can be enough of a challenge at the best of times, but how does someone who works in a restaurant where they are surrounded by food, manage to stay on track?

In an average restaurant there are tempting breads and courses made with rich sauces and of course desserts.

Most restaurant kitchen workers, work long hours in often hot difficult time pressured conditions. At the end of a shift, which is usually late in the evening, they are most likely to be very hungry, and the opportunity presents itself to over eat the wrong foods.

Years ago when I worked the bar in a restaurant at midnight or there about the chief would occasionally make us all giant ice cream and strawberry pancakes, with fresh strawberry sauce. It was amazing, but the worst possible food before heading home to collapse after a long shift.

To work in this industry and lose weight or even maintain your weight you will need some specific strategies.

1. Try and create a normal life even if you wake up at 9 or 10am.

2. Have a healthy breakfast of oats or eggs.

3. Find time to exercise daily. Go to the gym, power walk etc.

4. Have a nutritious lunch in the mid afternoon. Make this your most substantial meal of the day. This meal may need to last you for hours, depending on how your shift works.

5. If possible during the busy evening serving and cooking period graze on apples, to keep your blood sugar up to healthy levels.

6. At the end of the evening, eat less than you think you need. Remember it's the equivalent of a late night snack.

Losing weight while working in a food environment is a combination of creating workable strategies, and overcoming beliefs and resistance.

e.g. it's boring to eat salads at the end of work when the other staff are eating pizza's or rich food. I need a big meal after work because I haven't eaten for hours and I just want a normal life.

The reality is that what is considered a normal life of working nine to five is now days more of a rarity than the normal. Most people have different work hours, so if you want to lose weight you need to create your own routine, forget what may seem to be normal and just care for yourself.

Ideal weight hypnosis is an effective way to release your beliefs and overcome resistance about those things which will hold you back from achieving your goals.

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Keep healthy and happy

Ian Newton

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Try To Read this article : 3 Questions to Ask Yourself for Successful Weight Loss

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