Successful Weight Loss

Successful Weight Loss - One Meal At A Time

To achieve successful weight loss, it is important to not look too hard at the big picture, but instead consider a number of small challenges.

When Neil Armstrong returned from the lunar landing, he was asked; how could such a major undertaking be achieved. His reply was; it was just a matter of solving a whole series of small problems.

You may wish to lose 10, 20 or 30 kg or more. But the fact is it is what you eat at your next meal is what will decide your future success. Your weight loss is a question of solving a series of eating challenges.

It is fine to visualise achieving your ideal weight, and what clothes you will wear, this can help you to keep on track, but for your sanity it's best to largely forget the big picture, and instead focus on the near future.

The near future may be your next meal or snack. Focus o eating the right foods one meal at a time and you will be successful. By focus, you only need to casually think about making healthy food choices for that meal.

It is important that you don't become obsessed with the food on your plate or the lack there of.

The best way to do this without driving yourself nuts is to use ideal weight hypnosis. By addressing the desires in the subconscious it will be much easier for you to make consistently healthy food choices.

The feeling when dieting is often one of deprivation, taking away certain foods is much more than a casual removal of dietary choices. It is taking away emotional connections to some foods.

Some of these connections go deep into your past, perhaps as far back as childhood. Connections of reward and comfort are very powerful. Removing these foods can then be quite an emotional upheaval.

Some foods however didn't even exist when some of you were children, especially some of the global fast food giants. Yet they have become a mainstay of the modern diet.

If you can't resist driving past one of these outlets without stopping to eat, or at least it makes you hungry and you have to resist your temptation then you may want to stop and consider what that means.

What does this food mean to you and why are you so tempted. What need is meet by this food and how do you feel as you eat it. Using hypnosis will make it so much easier for you to release the need and succeed one meal at a time.

and now if you would like to discover the missing key to women's weight loss Ian Newton invites you to go to for men just go to

Keep healthy and happy

Ian Newton

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Try To Read this article : Successful Weight Loss - Even If You Work In A Restaurant

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